How to Make the Most Out of Your Volunteering Stint
There are a lot of benefits to be gained from volunteering, both for individuals and for the causes for which they offer themselves. Included in those benefits is the satisfaction that comes with seeing a cause proceed…
Comfy Aim’n Sportswear to Keep you Going When Volunteering
Volunteering is a great way to contribute to different communities and grow yourself. However, it can be a bit boring outside the main program. Picture this; you are miles away from home, advising organizations about the benefits…
Music and Voluntary Work
The power of music when it comes to connecting people and creating a shared experience is undeniable. Many professionals and businesses use music to interact with their audience. However, employing tunes is not limited to the for-profit…
What To Consider Before Volunteering
Volunteering is a very fulfilling thing to do and should be done by everyone. Not only does it allow you to travel and see other parts of the world, but it also enriches you in terms of…
Guide To Volunteering in War or Conflict Zones
When it comes to volunteering abroad, one of the areas that are always open is to volunteer in conflict countries. Amidst the tears, gunshots, and blood that some of the countries face, there are still children, vulnerable…
What to know before you decide to travel and volunteer?
Like with every trip you take, there are things to keep in mind before venturing on an adventure of your life. Once you know where you want to go, and
Criticism and difficulties of volunteering
Some critics, both in the past and today, critique volunteering and express their theories about moral purity of volunteering. Concerns of these criti
Barriers that stop people from volunteering
Sometimes the barriers are simple, like lacking time, getting busier with family life or work consuming more time. Sometimes, health problems or old a
Challenges of volunteering abroad
Every good thing in life has its challenges. Maybe even that's what makes it so satisfying and good? Volunteering abroad is no exception. Traveling i
Benefits of volunteering abroad
Volunteering abroad, like every travel, has its perks and benefits, both personal and professional. Let's start with all the personal benefits. One o