Volunteer and travel
Your dream is to take a year off and travel Europe, or South America, or maybe Asia, but you just can’t afford it? Then you should definitely think about volunteering. Here we will not be talking about those Instagram ads you see about being an influencer, traveling the world and getting paid for it. We will be talking about a more realistic and (if you choose it to be) a bit more anonymous way of traveling. We are talking about an uprising industry – hostel industry. Many hostels all around the world are looking for volunteers the whole year round. They are looking for someone who will come and stay for a certain period of time and help out in hostel jobs – reception, cleaning, gardening, customer service, etc. and in return, they give you food, accommodation and sometimes even provide opportunities to earn some pocket money or commission. So basically, most of the times what you need is only money to cover your travel expenses. This is a great way of traveling for those who would like to get to know a destination as a local, but can not afford to stay somewhere for longer periods of time.

What to know before starting?

What can you do?
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